We provide a variety of services and training aiming company development and its members. Our services range from technical advice in specialized engineering to the implementation of management systems, training and professional development, specialized consultancies, among others.
We organize and structure the implementation of this methodology, based on the management requirements of ISO and PBQP H Standards, aligned with the Company's results objectives. Implemented within the concept of the Evolutionary Management Model, it ensures the involvement of all areas and sectors, in achieving this objective.
The main results achieved by using this methodology are:
The Risk Management processes start at the studies of the Proposals phase of the Enterprise. In this phase, based on the analysis of the context and external and internal environments of each project, the Structured Risk Management is conceived and planned in its stages, in order to have continuity and being permanently updated during the Execution phase of the construction work
The main results achieved by using this methodology are:
In line with the application of the Quality Management System and Structured Risk Management methodologies, we work to structure the methodology aiming at Productivity Improvement, in the company's processes.
We prioritize the use of tools and techniques from the Lean philosophy, focused on the Construction segment.
The main results achieved by using this methodology are:
The structuring of a Database, with updated information on the risks of the project, its records, its analysis, with statistical information, including the record of lessons learned, is fundamental within the Structured Risk Management process. At the beginning of the Risk Management Planning process, this Database has its full use, being kept up to date and dynamic, in the other Risk Management processes.
The main results achieved by using this methodology are:
The effective evaluation of the implementation stage of a Quality Management System, begins with planning Internal Audits. Subsequently, performing the Internal Audits, with Qualified Auditors, we obtain a documentary record of the real state of implementation of the Quality Management System. This system is of vital importance for the next phase, in case of companies that have Quality System Certificates, within the ISO 9001 standard and PBQP H.
The main results achieved by using this methodology are:
The coaching and development of company members, in the use of these management methodologies, is the foundation on which Feu Desenvolvimento Gerencial develops its work. “Sharing knowledge and experiences is a way of contributing to everyone”! This simple and important concept is an key part of the mindset that has always guided the professional life of Feu Desenvolvimento Gerencial. When put into practice, this philosophy promotes significant and motivating changes in the work environment.
The main results achieved by using this methodology are:
With an emphasis on ensuring the service life of a building, the inspections are carried out and the Technical Reports, issued, aiming to provide a current and real picture of the state of conservation of the building, within the context of its expected service life.
In conjunction with this work, the Advisement for the Recovery of the Pathologies of Buildings, aims to correct the identified flaws, always guiding the action in its fundamental causes, thus seeking to recover and prolong the service life of the building.
The main results achieved by using this methodology are:
According to PMI, the Project Management Office (PMO) is an Organizational Structure that standardizes governance processes related to projects and facilitates the sharing of Resources, Methodologies, Tools and techniques
As a service of our consultancy, we can highlight the following deliveries:
According to the needs of our clients, we act in order to ensure that the contracts in execution are technically supervisioned and executed, within the normative standards of the reference Technical Norms. We ensure the use of formal methodologies to monitor the execution of the construction phases, generating documents and records that are legal instruments of the contract.
The scope management, supplier management, quality management, risk management, time management and cost management, among other important topics, are included in the Supervision and Monitoring of Construction Works services.
The main results achieved by using this methodology are: